
Since the reign of Isabel of Hungary, the Rosemary plant has had the fame of being a product of rejuvenation. Rosemary is known everywhere as a condiment and healing product. This aromatic plant acts favourably on the whole motor-vascular nervous system, and its influences are profitable in the nerves of the heart.

It is a plant of pleasant smell that one should have in the kitchen as a privileged place among the spices, because he who knows its usefulness for health will know how to use it and appreciate it.

If we put fresh Rosemary in an old wine we will obtain a good tonic for the heart, very effective for lowering blood pressure, forpeople that are pale and weak, and also for the oldest.

After influenza or some other similar virus upset, a small Rosemary wineglass helps fora fast re-establishment. This beautiful and modest bush, with its leafs and its flowers, is an appreciated condiment and healing medicine.

A.Vogel. El Pequeño Doctor. Editorial ARS
Medica, S.A. - Barcelona, 1986.

Rubellus Petrinus

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