Traditional Laboratory Alchemy is a discipline complementary to Inner Alchemy. It is the mundane and laborious counterpart to the more volatile "Ora", hence completing the "Ora et Labora" that is conducted in the Lab and the Oratory of the student of Alchemy. Inner Garden offers a comprehensive correspondence course in laboratory alchemy that is open for enrollment for anyone with a sincere wish to experience and learn about Alchemy.
Our correspondence course may also be the first step to a greater adventure: the Opus Major or the path to the Philosopher's Stone as part of the Great Work. Enrol and embark on a journey that leads into the heart of Nature, of the regenerative forces of nature, and become a Philosopher of Nature.
We have our individual and collective paths as we move toward an increase in consciousness, a purification of the soul — ‘the raising of vibrations’. This raising of vibrations has been an ongoing quest of mankind; the quest for the Philosopher’s Stone. Many legends relate to this quest. In Eisenbach’s Parcival, for example, the Grail is described as an emerald stone instead of a cup. The Royal Art of making this Stone links the world of creation to the material world, and on a personal level changes the very fabric of one’s reality. In that light, the attributions of the Stone as the fountain of youth — able to bestow immortality, and to transmute lead into gold — can thus be considered both a spiritual and a physical reality. As above, so below. What form this will take in our own lives and personal paths is something we learn per adventure.
Was the focus of the Royal Art primarily on the spiritual aspects of the path or on labwork and ‘learning through the hands’? As mentioned, Alchemy is the art of raising vibrations in both Matter and in Spirit. It refers to a compound of practical, psychological, Nature-philosophical, mystical and medical aspects.
The core of the alchemical tradition consists of a practical, exoteric component and a theoretical, esoteric component. Traditionally alchemists were involved in both the internal and external paths. They had both an Oratory and a Lab, hence the conjunction -"laboratory". The Oratory was a space dedicated for meditation and prayer, often arranged as a secluded sanctuary within the lab, and the lab itself was the place for the ‘labora’- the physical work.
These alchemists of old allegedly found the material and spiritual to be complementary in their search for the Stone and to fathom the secret laws of God and Nature. In line with the adagio ‘A healthy mind in a healthy body’ they set out to purify both the body and their thoughts. The spiritual path helped them to remove gross cognitive misconceptions, fears, and destructive phantoms within the mind. In addition, the controlled intake of their medicinal potions allowed them to remove physical blockages and at the same time mental blockages that otherwise would lead to imbalance, sickness and degeneration.
Enrollment in our correspondence course of practical alchemy is done by applying as a Candidate Member of Inner Garden here. Our correspondence course consists of and will give access to:
A few samples of the e-books mentioned:
Our General Forum is open to all members of Inner Garden who wish to share experiences or consult other members about the work. Forum membership is seen as a privilege rather than a right and is not a must. In addition to the General Forum, Inner Garden maintains a few other Fora that are open for Partners or specific research groups.
Occasionally in summer a one- or two-day workshop is held as an introduction to Alchemy. This class is meant for those who have little experience with alchemy and are just curious to learn more. Subjects of this class are:
It should be noted that the group's activities primarily revolve around applied research - analysing and rediscovering the processes involved in the production of Elixirs, the Primum Ens, the Alkahest, the Circulatum Minus, and other alchemical products. In modern times, progress has been made toward achieving the goals of Alchemy using scientific, rather than alchemical, means. The group works predominantly according to the scientific method - investigating phenomena, acquiring new knowledge, correcting and integrating previous knowledge; all based on observable, empirical and measurable evidence. Structured and well-documented forms of experimentation have been found to be most satisfactory. One should be aware though that modern science has thrown out the baby with the bathwater. Where there used to be both a Lab and an Oratory, now there is only a lab. The principle of animation (Sulphur), and the principle of Spirit (Mercury) are not measurable in a quantitative sense and are therefore ignored. It is advised to seek to combine the advantages of modern labware and the scientific mindset, with the careful and intuitive approach of nature's finer forces along with the respect for divine revelations in our Oratory.
A flyer of the group's yearly class or the ongoing Study Group can be downloaded below: