This article is about one of the greatest secrets in alchemy:
the philosophers' stone! According the teaching of our great Masters the
Philosophers' Stone is the culmination of the Great Alchemical Work.
Few have been the alchemists who had the
happiness of contemplating it and from those who did it, only one as far as we know left
us the visual testimony of this achievement: he was Kamala-Jnana.
Not even Fulcanelli (Jean Julien Champagne) who
in Dwellings of the Philosophers describes it in so much detail succeeded in
materializing his great dream. (Fulcanelli - Dry Way).
Neither he nor Pierre Dujols arrived at the end
of the work. In Dwellings of the Philosophers, which was mainly Dujols'
research, he describes it in so much detail that us, simple students or researchers of the
hermetic Art, can have a concrete idea of that so longed philosophical stone, so as not to
be deceived by pretence adepts.
The Philosopher's stone
Dwellings of the Philosophers, Archive Press
& Communications, P.O.Box 11218, Boulder, CO 80301, USA, pages 134 and 135:
"Many educated people call the hermetic gem a
"mysterious body"; they share, about it, the opinion of certain spagyrists of
the 17th and 18th Centuries, who classified it among abstract entities, styled non-beings
or rational beings. Let us therefore inquire so as to obtain, about this
unknown body, an idea as close as possible to truth: let us study the descriptions, rare
and too brief for our liking, that certain philosophers have left us, and let us see what
certain learned people and faithful witnesses have reported.
First, let us say that, according to the sacred
language, the term philosopher's stone means the stone, which bears the
sign of the Sun. The solar sign is characterized by its red coloration, which
can vary in intensity, as Basil Valentine says, "Its colour ranges from rosy
red to crimson red, or from ruby to pomegranate red; as for its weight, it weighs much
more than it has quantity." So much for colour and density."
The Cosmopolite, whom Louis Figuier believes to be the
alchemist known under the name of Seton, and others under the name of Michael Sendivogius,
describes in this passage its translucent appearance, its crystalline form, and its
fusibility: "If one were to find," he said, "our subject in its last state
of perfection, made and composed by nature; if it were fusible, like wax or butter, and
its redness, its diaphanous nature or clarity appeared on the outside; it would be in
truth our blessed stone. "Its fusibility is such, indeed, that all authors have
compared it to that of wax (64°C); "It melts in the flame of a candle,"
they repeat; some, for this reason, have even given it the name of great red wax.
"With these physical which contains treatises
characteristics the stone combines some powerful chemical properties the power of
penetration or ingress, absolute fixity, inability to be oxidized, which makes it
incalcinable, and extreme resistance to fire; finally, its irreducibility and its perfect
indifference to chemical agents."
And on pages 137 and 138:
"Let us leave aside these processes and
tinctures. Above all, it is important to remember that the philosopher's stone
appears in the shape of a crystalline, diaphanous body, red in the mass, yellow after
pulverization, dense and very fusible, although fixed at any temperature, and which its
inner qualities render incisive, fiery, penetrating, irreducible, and incalcinable. In
addition, it is soluble in molten glass, but instantaneously volatilizes when it is
projected onto molten metal. Here, in one single object, are gathered physiochemical
properties, which singularly separates it from a possible metallic nature and render its
origin rather nebulous. A little reflection will get us out of our difficulty. The masters
of the art teach us that the goal of their labours is triple. What they seek to realize
first is the universal Medicine or the actual philosopher's stone.
Obtained in a
saline form, whether multiplied or not, it can only be used for the healing of human
illnesses, preservation of health, and growth of plants. Soluble in any alcoholic liquid,
its solution takes the name of Aurum Potabile (although
it does not even contain the least atom of gold) because it assumes a magnificent yellow
colour. Its healing value and the diversity of its use in therapeutics makes it a precious
auxiliary in the treatment of grave and incurable ailments. It has no action on metals,
except on gold and silver, on which it fixes itself and to which it bestows its own
properties, which, consequently, becomes of no use for transmutation. However, if the
maximum number of its multiplication's is exceeded, it changes form and instead of
resuming its solid crystalline state when cooling down, it remains fluid like quicksilver
and definitely non-coagulable. It then shines in darkness, with a soft, red,
phosphorescent light, of a weaker brightness than that of a common night light. The
universal Medicine has become the inextinguishable Light; the light giving product
of those perpetual lamps, which certain authors have mentioned as having been found
in some ancient sepulchres...
Finally, if we ferment the solid, universal
Medicine with very pure gold or silver, through direct fusion, we obtain the Powder of
Projection, third form of the stone. It is a translucent mass, red or white according
to the chosen metal, pulverizable, and appropriate only to metallic transmutation.
Oriented, determined, and specific to the mineral realm, it is useless and without action
in the two other kingdoms.
Here we have the physiochemical features that
identify the true philosophical stone. We have said it over and over regarding the
so-called "medicines" achieved by certain alchemists, while these auto
proclaimed "adepts" keep calling their productions the universal medicine.
These aforesaid "medicines", as far as
we know, are far from having the features here specified by Fulcanelli.
It is nevertheless noteworthy that Fulcanelli in
his text never refers the medicine obtained from his work. This is due to the fact that he
actually never achieved it.
Justice should be made to him for his great
Rubellus Petrinus