
El Arte de la la Alquimia ha sido practicado durante miles de años, y se han escrito innumerables libros sobre el tema. La pregunta es: "¿Cuál de estos libros podrá guiarnos en el camino de la Alquimia?".

Desde la antigüedad más remota, y a través de sucesivos períodos en las esferas más elevadas de la mente, ha circulado la tradición de un Arte; pero es tan oscuro y enigmático que evade por completo la aprehensión vulgar y desconcierta al más agudo.
(Atwood, 1850, A Suggestive Inquiry...)

La leyenda dice que la Filosofía Hermética y la Alquimia fueron practicadas desde la antigüedad, por los Lemurianos al principio, y que más tarde fueron llevadas a la India. Algunos se atreven a remontarla a eones atrás, llegando incluso a lo que en unidades de tiempo hindúes sería el comienzo del actual Kalpa. Fragmentos de libros bajo la autoría del gran Rãmacandra han sobrevivido hasta nuestros días. A lo largo del surgimiento y de la caída de muchas razas, la alquimia se abrió paso a través de la historia tanto en periodos más claros como más oscuros, teniendo una de sus épocas doradas hace 125.000 años en Lemuria, practicada por los dioses menores y los hombres más avanzados de esa raza. Antes de que Lemuria se hundiera bajo las aguas del Pacífico, fue llevada a la India, donde se ha practicado hasta hoy. Sin embargo, los Atlantes también practicaron el Arte. Lo llevaron al norte de África con la inmersión de la Atlántida.

Los egipcios fueron los herederos de este conocimiento. Con la caída de la cultura de la India en uno de los ciclos equinocciales más recientes de la evolución, lo mejor de la raza viajó hacia el oeste y se encontró con los guardianes del conocimiento de los Atlantes, y el conocimiento de ambas razas fue combinado. Luego, finalmente, en el ciclo actual, cuando la oscuridad intelectual se asentó hacia el comienzo de nuestra era presente, y a través del subsecuente dominio y censura de la iglesia, Arabia se convirtió en el guardián de la Lámpara de la Sabiduría oculta. Además de los escritos en piedra que dejaron los Egipcios, los manuscritos Árabes proporcionan probablemente la más "original" de las fuentes, y el grupo Inner Garden se nutre con gratitud de esa herencia, sobre todo en lo que se refiere al Trabajo Interior. Hoy en día, pocos conocen la verdadera naturaleza de la tradición Alquímica. Actualmente existe un gran número de libros sobre el tema, pero a menudo encontramos que se trata de libros muy superficiales o de supersticiones románticas.

Los textos Alquímicos y Herméticos requieren generalmente una lectura exhaustiva, una lectura contemplativa y una relectura. Así lo expresa el lema "Ora, Lege, Lege, Lege, Relege, Labora et Invenies" en el misterioso "Mutus Liber", de 1677. A menudo, una copia impresa es más adecuada para el estudio, y se presta mejor a la lectura contemplativa, que los archivos digitales. En ese sentido, Inner Garden maneja una lista de libros sobre Alquimia que está disponible para su circulación dentro del grupo. A continuación, encontrará una lista de ejemplares impresos. Una lista de copias en formato electrónico (pdf) se encuentra disponible para los miembros. La valoración que se en nuestra biblioteca para libros guardados en copias impresas proporciona una idea subjetiva del valor que pueden tener estos.

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Autor: Siglo Título, subtítulo Edición Lugar Tema Leng. Val.
Abulafia, A. 13th Get Ha-Shemot, Divorce of the Names 2007 Utrecht Esoteric English 7
Abulafia, A. 13th Ohr Ha-Sechel, Light of the Intellect 2008 Utrecht Esoteric English 7
Aegyptus 20th The Macrocosmic Mystery 1931 Utrecht Esoteric English 6
Aegyptus 20th The Microcosmic Mystery 1932 Utrecht Esoteric English 6
Aftel, M. 20th Essence & Alchemy 2001 Utrecht Alchemy English 6
Al-Battani 9th Al Zaij Al Saabi' (sabean astronomical almanac) 2009 Dubai Astrology Arabic 6
Al-Biruni 10th Athaar Baqia 1995 Dubai History Arabic 6
Al-Biruni 10th Kitab Al Saydana fil Tib (the book of phamacology) 1991 Dubai Ancient Sciences English 7
Al-Biruni 10th Rasail fil hay'a (Letters in astronomical forms) 2009 Dubai Astrology Arabic 6
Al-Biruni 10th Tasteeh Al Soar (astro-topography) 2009 Dubai Astrology Arabic 6
Al-Buni 13th Shams Al Maarif (Grand Sun of Knowledge) ? Dubai Esoterics Arabic 6
Al-Buni 13th Yanabee' al Hikam (Fountains of Wisdom) 1960 Dubai Esoterics Arabic 6
Al-Duwani 17th Shawakel Al Hour (commerntary on Suhrawardi's Temples of Light) 2009 Dubai Mysticism Arabic 7
Al-Ghazali, A. 12th Revival of Religoius Sciences 1980 Dubai Mysticism Arabic 6
Al-Halveti 12th The Secret of Secrets 1994 Utrecht Alchemy English 6
Al-Hariri, A. 20th Qass wa nabi (A Priest and a Prophet, early influences in Islam) 2001 Dubai History English 7
Al-Khalili, J. 21st Quantum 2003 Toronto Alchemy English 7
Albertus 20th Alchemist's Handbook 1974 Utrecht Alchemy English 8
Albertus 20th Alchemist's Handbook 1991 Dubai Alchemy English 8
Albertus 20th Alchemist's Handbook 1992 Toronto Alchemy English 9
Albertus 20th AMO 1983 Utrecht Alchemy English 6
Albertus 20th Gently I Answered and Said 1978 Utrecht Alchemy English 1
Albertus 20th Gently I Answered and Said 1978 Dubai Esoterics English 5
Albertus 20th Praxis Spagyrica Philosophica & from "one" to "ten" 1998 Utrecht Alchemy English 6
Albertus 20th The Alchemist of the Rocky Mountains 1976 Utrecht Alchemy English 5
Albertus 20th The seven rays of the QBL 1981 Utrecht Alchemy English 6
Albertus Magnus 20th The Book of Secrets 1999 Toronto Alchemy English 6
Alleau, R. 20th The Primal Force in Symbol, the language of higher consciousness 2009 Dubai Science and Philosophy English 7
Amado, R. (editor) 18th Catachism des Elus Cohen 1990 Dubai Esoterics French 7
Amado, R. (editor) 18th Instruction Secrete (Elu Cohen) 1988 Dubai Esoterics French
Amado, R. (editor) 18th Le Magie des Elus Cohen 1988 Dubai Esoterics French 7
Amado, R. (editor) 18th Les Lecons De Lyons 1999 Dubai Mysticism English
AMORC 20th Rosicrucian Manual 1978 Toronto Esoteric English 7
AMORC 20th Unto Thee I Grant 1972 Toronto Esoteric English 10
Anderson, U.S. 20th Three Magic Words 1975 Toronto Alchemy English 7
Andrews, T. 21st Sacred Sounds, Magic & Healing through words and music 2004 Utrecht Harmony English 6
Anon 9th Alf Lailah Wa Laila (Arabian Nights) 2011 Dubai Mythology Arabic 8
Anon N/A Compendium of Alchemical Processes 1993 Dubai Alchemy English 8
Anon 11th Mushaf Al Munfarid Bithatih (Druz sacred writings) Dubai Mysticism Arabic 8
Anon 20th The impersonal Life 1994 Dubai Mysticism English 8
Anon ? Unto Thee I grant 1968 Dubai Mysticism English 8
Anon (McLean. Magnum Opus Series) 18th Hermaphrodite Child of the Sun and Moon 1998 Dubai Alchemy English 8
Anon (McLean. Magnum Opus Series) 16th The Crowning of Nature 1980 Dubai Alchemy English 8
Anon (McLean. Magnum Opus Series) 17th The Magical Calendar 1994 Dubai Alchemy English 8
Anon (McLean. Magnum Opus Series) 18th The pneumo-cosmic manuscript 2005 Dubai Alchemy English
Anon (McLean. Magnum Opus Series) 16th The Solidonius Manuscript 2008 Dubai Alchemy English
Anonymous 20th A Compendium Of Alchemical Processes 1981 Toronto Alchemy English 9
Anonymous 20th A Course in Miracles 1975 Utrecht Esoteric English 5
Anonymous 20th De Sterrenbeelden 1996 Utrecht Esoteric Dutch 6
Anonymous 18th Le Grand Oeuvre Min?ral de L'Ordre de Rose-Croix d'Or d'Ancien Syst?me 1785 Utrecht Alchemy French 8
Anonymous 20th Levenskunst 1959 Utrecht Esoteric Dutch 6
Anonymous 20th Manuscripts and Books of Medicine? n.d. Toronto Alchemy English 7
Anonymous 20th Meditations on the Tarot 1985 Utrecht Esoteric English 9
Anonymous 20th Quinta Essentia Vol 1 - 17 1976 Utrecht Alchemy English 9
Anonymous 20th The Brittish Pharmacopeia 1948 Utrecht Alchemy English 6
Anonymous 20th The Initiate in the Dark Cycle 1971 Utrecht Esoteric English 5
Anonymous 20th The Knights Templar 1900 Utrecht Esoteric English 9
Anonymous 20th The Kybalion 1940 Utrecht Esoteric English 9
Anonymous 18th Trois Documents des Rose-Croix d'Or d'Ancien Syst?me Utrecht Alchemy French 8
APA 20th DSM-IV-TR 2000 Toronto Alchemy English 7
Archarion 20th Von wahrer Alchemie 1967 Utrecht Alchemy English 9
Arrien, A. 20th The Tarot Handbook 1997 Toronto Esoteric English 7
Artofferus 20th Book of revelation 2012 Dubai Alchemy English 7
Ashton, A. 20th Harmonograph, A visual guide to the mathematics of music Utrecht Esoteric English 6
Assagioli, R. 20th Psychosynthesis 1965 Utrecht Esoteric English 9
Atwood, M.A. 20th A suggestive inquiry into Hermetic Mystery 1918 Utrecht Alchemy English 8
Baigent, M. and Leigh, R. 20th De dode zee rollen en de verzwegen waarheid 1992 Utrecht Esoteric Dutch 6
Baignet & Leigh 20th The Elixir and the Stone 1997 Toronto Alchemy English 6
Bailey, A. 20th A Treatise on Cosmic Fire 1925 Utrecht Alchemy English 7
Bailey, A. 20th Esoteric Healing 1988 Dubai Esoterics English 9
Bailey, A. 20th Seven Rays of Life 1995 Dubai Esoterics English 7
Balinus 1st Sir al Khaliqa wa sunnat al tabee'a (Mystery of creation and the ways of nature) 1979 Dubai Esoterics Arabic 8
Bandler, R. 20th The adventures of anybody 1993 Utrecht Trance English 7
Bandler, R. 20th Trance-formations 1981 Utrecht Trance English 10
Bar-Hebrew 13th Jamia Al mufradat fil adwiya lil ghafiqi (Al ghafiqi's pharmacutical dictionary 2005 Dubai Ancient Sciences Arabic 7
Barbault, A. 20th Gold of a Thousand Mornings 1975 Utrecht Alchemy English 9
Barder, M. 20th The New Knighthood 1994 Utrecht Esoteric English 6
Bardon, T. 20th Initiation into Hermetics 1981 Utrecht Alchemy English 6
Barnes & Noble 20th General Psychology 1954 Toronto Psychology English 6
Barnstone, W. <4th The Other Bible 1984 Dubai Esoterics English 7
Barret, F. 18th The Magus 1967 Dubai Esoterics English 8
Bartlett, R.A. 21st Real Alchemy, A primer of Practical Alchemy 2006 Toronto Alchemy English 7
Bartlett, R.A. 21st Real Alchemy, A primer of Practical Alchemy 2007 Dubai Alchemy English 8
Bartlett, R.A.  21st Real Alchemy, A primer of Practical Alchemy 2006 Utrecht Alchemy English 7
Bartlett, R.A. 21st The Way of the Crucible 2009 Toronto Alchemy English 8
Bartlett, R.A. 21st The Way of the Crucible 2009 Toronto Alchemy English 8
Bartlett, R.A. 21st The Way of the Crucible 2009 Dubai Alchemy English 9
Bartlett, R.A.  21st The Way of the Crucible 2008 Utrecht Alchemy English 7
Basil Valentine (Waite) 20th The Twelve Keys n.d. Toronto Alchemy English 7
Basil Valentine (Waite) 17th Triumphal Chariot of Antimony 1685 Toronto Alchemy English 5
Beintema, R. 20th Stilzitten, op weg naar een meditatief leven 2001 Utrecht Trance Dutch 6
Bensan, N. 20th Introducing Psychology 1999 Toronto Psychology English 7
Benschel, J. 20th Van Chaos tot Harmonie 1954 Utrecht Esoteric Dutch 8
Berendt, J.E. 20th The World is Sound 1983 Utrecht Harmony English 6
Bernard, C. 20th Rosicrucian Reflections 2012 Dubai Esoterics English 7
Betz, H. -2nd The Greek Magical Papyrus 1992 Dubai Esoterics English 6
Bin-Nobakht, M. ? Kitab Al Kamil fi Asrar Al Nujoom (the complete book of astrological secrets) 2010 Dubai Astrology Arabic 6
Birren, F. 20th Color Psychology and Color Therapy 1961 Utrecht Esoteric English 6
Blankaart, S. 20th Den Nederlanschen Herbarius 1980 Utrecht Alchemy Dutch 6
Blavatsky, H.P. 19th De Geheime Leer Utrecht Esoteric Dutch 6
Blavatsky, H.P. 19th De Geheime Leer, Deel 1, Cosmogenisis 1907 Utrecht Esoteric Dutch 6
Blavatsky, H.P. 19th De Geheime Leer, Deel 2, Anthropogenisis 1907 Utrecht Subject Dutch 6
Blavatsky, H.P. 19th The Secret Doctrine 1988 Toronto Esoteric English 8
Blavatsky, H.P. 19th Isis Unveiled vol 1 Science 1988 Dubai Esoterics English 7
Blavatsky, H.P. 19th Isis Unveiled vol 2 Theology 1988 Dubai Esoterics English 7
Blavatsky, H.P. 19th The Secret Doctrine vol 1 Cosmogenesis 1988 Dubai Esoterics English 8
Blavatsky, H.P. 19th The Secret Doctrine vol 2 Anthropogenesis 1988 Dubai Esoterics English 8
Blavatsky, H.P. 19th The Secret Doctrine vol 3 Occultism 1993 Dubai Esoterics English 8
Blavatsky, H.P. 19th Voice of the Silence 1980 Dubai Esoterics English 7
Bluestone, S. 20th Signs and Omens in everyday life 2002 Dubai Esoterics English 6
Boehme, J. 20th The Signature of All Things 1912 Toronto Esoteric English 7
Boheme, J. (McLean. Magnum Opus Series) 16th The Key of Boehme 1997 Dubai Alchemy English 8
Bonacina (McLean. Magnum Opus Series) 17th Potable Gold 2009 Dubai Alchemy English 7
Bonner, A. 13th Selected works of Ramon Llull, vol. 1 1985 Utrecht Alchemy English 4
Bonner, A. 13th Selected works of Ramon Llull, vol. 2 1985 Utrecht Alchemy English 4
Bonus von, P.R. 20th New Pearl of Great Price n.d. Toronto Alchemy English 7
Bos, N. 19th Natuur en Gezondheid Utrecht Alchemy English 6
Bouisson, M. 20th Magic, its Rites and History 1960 Utrecht Esoteric English 6
Bowman 20th Crystal Ascension 1996 Toronto Esoteric English 6
Braunschweig, H.(McLean. Magnum Opus Series) 16th The Book of Distillation 1997 Dubai Alchemy English 6
Brennan, Barbra 20th Hands of Light 1988 Dubai Esoterics English 8
Brennan, Barbra 20th Light emerging 1993 Dubai Esoterics English 7
Broomfield 20th Other ways of knowing 1997 Dubai Esoterics English 6
Brown 20th The Book of Enoch 2000 Toronto Alchemy English 7
Bruce & Mercer 21st Mastering Astral Projection 2005 Toronto Esoteric English 4
Bruce, R. 20th Mastering Astral Projection 2004 Utrecht Esoteric English 6
Brunton, P. 20th De Geheime Weg 1949 Utrecht Esoteric Dutch 6
Brunton, P. 20th Het Super-Ego 1952 Utrecht Trance English 6
Brunton, P. 20th Hooger dan Yoga 1947 Utrecht Esoteric Dutch 5
Brunton, P. 20th Verborgen Wijsheid 1948 Utrecht Esoteric Dutch 6
Brysbaert, M. 20th Psychologie 2006 Utrecht Psychology English 6
Budge, W. 19th Amulets and Talismans 1963 Dubai Ancient Egypt English 6
Budge, W. 19th Egyptian Book of the Dead 1994 Dubai Ancient Egypt English 6
Budge, W. 19th The Mummy 1989 Dubai Ancient Egypt English 6
Bunge, H. 20th Astrologie 1949 Utrecht Esoteric Dutch 6
Bunge, H. 20th Sprekend Heelal 1964 Utrecht Esoteric Dutch 7
Burckhardt 20th Alchemy 1997 Toronto Alchemy English 6
Burckhardt, T. 20th Mystical Astrology according to Ibn Arabi 2001 Dubai Astrology English 8
Cain 20th Discover Biology 2000 Toronto Alchemy English 6
Caland, M.E. 20th Wierook 1988 Utrecht Esoteric Dutch 6
Carlson 21st Physiology of Behaviour 2001 Toronto Psychology English 7
Caroll, P.J. 20th Liber Null & Psychonaut 1987 Utrecht Esoteric English 1
Caron, M. And Hutin, S. 20th The Alchemists 1961 Utrecht Alchemy English 5
Carrington 20th Telepathie Utrecht Esoteric Dutch 6
Carter, R. 21st The Human Brain 2009 Toronto Psychology English 8
Case, P.F 20th The Tarot 2006 Toronto Esoteric English 6
Case, P.F. 20th Esoteric Keys of Alchemy 2006 Utrecht Alchemy English 6
Case, P.F. 20th Esoteric Keys of Alchemy 2006 Dubai Alchemy English 8
Case, P.F. 20th Esoteric Secrets of Meditation and Magic - Early writings vol 2 2008 Dubai Esoterics English 8
Case, P.F. 20th Hermetic Alchemy, Science and Practice 2009 Dubai Esoterics English 8
Case, P.F. 20th Hermetic Alchemy, Science and Practice 2007 Utrecht Alchemy English 6
Case, P.F. 20th Occult fundmentals- early writings vol 1 2008 Dubai Esoterics English 9
Case, P.F. 20th Tarot Revelations 2009 Dubai Esoterics English 7
Case, P.F. 20th The book of Tokens 1989 Dubai Esoterics English 8
Case, P.F. 20th The Book of Tokens, Tarot Meditations 1989 Utrecht Esoteric English 9
Case, P.F. 20th The True and Invisible Rosicrucian Order 1985 Utrecht Esoteric English 6
Case, P.F. 20th The True and Invisible Rosicrucian Order 1989 Dubai Esoterics English 6
Case, P.F. 20th Two essays, on the Letter G and the great seal of the USA 2008 Dubai Esoterics English 6
Case, P.F. 20th Wisdom of the Tarot 2009 Dubai Esoterics English 7
Castaneda 20th The Teachings of Don Juan 1996 Toronto Esoteric English 8
Castaneda, C. 20th A separate reality 1971 Dubai Esoterics English 6
Castaneda, C. 20th Active side of infinity 1999 Dubai Esoterics English 6
Castaneda, C. 20th De lessen van don Juan 1992 Utrecht Esoteric Dutch 7
Castaneda, C. 20th Een aparte werkelijkheid 1992 Utrecht Esoteric Dutch 7
Castaneda, C. 20th Reis naar Ixtlan 1992 Utrecht Esoteric Dutch 7
Castaneda, C. 20th Teachings of Don Juan 1968 Dubai Esoterics English 8
Cavin, M. 20th De kunst van het ademen 1955 Utrecht Trance Dutch 6
Cayce, E 20th Auras 1973 Toronto Esoteric English 8
Chandu, J.F. 20th Handboek der grafologie en grafotherapie 1978 Utrecht Esoteric Dutch 6
Charroux, R. 20th Meesters der wereld 1974 Utrecht Esoteric Dutch 6
Charroux, R. 20th Vergeten Werelden 1978 Utrecht Esoteric Dutch 6
Childress 20th The Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla 2009 Toronto Alchemy English 6
Childress & Clendenon 20th Atlantis and the Power System of the Gods 2000 Toronto Esoteric English 5
Chishti, sh. H. 20th The Book of Sufi Healing 1991 Dubai Mysticism English 7
Chomsky 21st New Horizons 2000 Toronto Esoteric English 6
Churton, T. 20th The Invisible History of the Rosicrucians 2009 Dubai History English 5
Cicero, C. 20th Creating Magical Tools 1999 Utrecht Esoteric English 6
Cicero, C. 20th The Essential Golden Dawn 2003 Utrecht Esoteric English 5
Clark 21st The Sacred Tradition in Ancient Egypt 2004 Toronto Esoteric English 7
Clark, R. 20th The Sacred Magic of Ancient Egypt 2004 Dubai Ancient Egypt English 7
Clark, R. 20th The Sacred Tradition of Ancient Egypt 2008 Dubai Esoterics English 7
Cleator, P.E.  20th The True Book about Metals 1964 Utrecht Alchemy English 6
Cockren, A. 20th Alchemy Rediscovered and Restored 1999 Toronto Alchemy English 6
Coehlo, P 20th The Alchemist 1988 Toronto Alchemy English 6
Colquhoun, I. 20th Sword of wisdom: MacGregor Mathers and the Golden Dawn 1975 Utrecht Esoteric English 6
Corbin, H. 20th Creative Imagination in Sufism of Ibn Arabi 1969 Utrecht Trance English 7
Corbin, H. 20th The Voyage and the Messenger, Iran and Philosophy 1998 Utrecht Esoteric English 6
Cotnoir, B. 20th The Weiser Concise Guide to Alchemy 2006 Toronto Alchemy English 4
Cotnoir, B. 21st The Weiser Concise Guide to Alchemy 2006 Utrecht Alchemy English 5
Cotnoir, B. 21st Weiser concise guide to alchemy 2006 Dubai Alchemy English 6
Cousto 20th Die Kosmische Oktave 1984 Utrecht Harmony German 6
Cox, J 20th From Vines to Wines 1999 Toronto Alchemy English 8
Cox, R. 20th The Elixir of Immortality 2009 Toronto Alchemy English 8
Cramer, D. (McLean. Magnum Opus Series) 17th Rosicrucian Emblems 1980 Dubai Esoterics English 7
Crawley, J.J. 20th The Interior Castle or the Mansions 1980 Utrecht Esoteric English 7
Cremo, M. 20th Forbidden Archeology 1998 Dubai Lost Civilizations English 8
Crowley, A. 20th 777 and other Qabalistic writings of Aleister Crowley 2000 Utrecht Esoteric English 6
Crowley, A. 20th Book of Thoth 1989 Dubai Esoterics English 4
Crowley, A. 20th Confessions of Aleister Crowley 1979 Dubai History English 5
Crowley, V. 20th Hekserij 1990 Utrecht Esoteric Dutch 6 20th Alchemy Reference Guide n.d. Toronto Alchemy English 4 21st Alchemy Workbook n.d. Toronto Alchemy English 4 20th The Secret of the Emerald Tablet n.d. Toronto Alchemy English 6
Cunningham 21st The Complete Book of Incense, Oils, and? 2007 Toronto Esoteric English 7
Cunningham, S. 20th Cunningham's Encyclopedia & Magic Herbs 2000 Utrecht Alchemy English 6
Custo, H. 20th The cosmic octave 2000 Dubai Esoterics English 7
D'Alverydre, S. Yves 19th The Kingdom of Agartha 1996 Dubai Esoterics English 7
Dala Lama, H.H. 20th A Profound Mind 2011 Dubai Science and Philosophy English 7
Dam, W. van 20th Handboek voor de Vaste Sterren 1984 Utrecht Esoteric Dutch 6
Danaos, K. 20th Nei Kung, The secret teachings of the warrior sages 2002 Utrecht Alchemy English 8
Danaos, K. 20th The Magus of Java 2000 Utrecht Esoteric English 8
Daniken, E. 20th Waren de goden kosmonauten? 1969 Utrecht Esoteric Dutch 5
Dannelley 20th Sedona: Beyond the Vortex 1995 Toronto Alchemy English 6
Dash, B. 20th Alchemy and Metallic Medicine in Ayurveda 1996 Dubai Alchemy English 8
Dash, B. 20th Iatro-chemistry of Ayurveda (rasa shastra) 1994 Dubai Alchemy English 8
Dash, B./Junius, M. 20th A Handbook of Ayurveda 2003 Dubai Esoterics English 7
Davis, A. 20th The Way of the Flame, A guide to the forgotten mystical tradition of Jewish meditation 1999 Utrecht Esoteric English 8
Dawes, J. 20th The Quest, Exploring a sense of soul 2005 Utrecht Esoteric English 7
De Laurence, W. 19th Raphael's Ancient Manuscript of Talismanic Magic 1999 Dubai Esoterics English 4
De Lubicz, R.A. 20th Esoterism and Symbol 1985 Dubai Esoterics English 7
De Lubicz, R.A. 20th Nature Word 1980 Dubai Esoterics English 7
De Lubicz, R.A. 20th Numbers 1986 Dubai Esoterics English 7
De Lubicz, R.A. 20th Sacred Science.The King of Pharaonic Theocracy 1988 Dubai Ancient Egypt English 8
De Lubicz, R.A. 20th Symbol and the Symbolic 1978 Dubai Esoterics English 7
De Lubicz, R.A. 20th The Egyptian Miracle 1985 Dubai Esoterics English 8
De Lubicz, R.A. 20th The Temple In Man 1981 Dubai Esoterics English 8
De Lubicz, R.A. 20th The Temple Of Man. Apet of the South at Luxor 1998 Dubai Ancient Egypt English 10
De man in de gele mantel 20th Wonderen of Wetten Utrecht Esoteric Dutch 6
De Villars, Abbe 17th Comte De Gabalis 2010 Dubai Alchemy English 8
Dee, J. 20th The Rosie Crucian Secrets 1985 Toronto Alchemy English 7
Denning, M. 20th Planetary Magick, A complete system for knowledge and attainment 1992 Utrecht Esoteric English 6
Dewsen, H.J. 20th De doden leven 1948 Utrecht Esoteric Dutch 6
Dinshah, D. 20th Let there be light 1996 Dubai Esoterics English 6
Dobbs, B. 20th The foundations of Newton's alchemy 1983 Dubai Alchemy English 7
Doberer, K.K. 20th The goldmakers, 10.000 years of alchemy 1948 Utrecht Alchemy English 6
Dole, V. 20th Textbook of Rasashastra 2004 Dubai Alchemy English 9
Donnely, I. 19th Atlantis, the Anti Deluvian World 1976 Dubai Lost Civilizations English 7
Doolaard, R.D. 20th Golven, Planetaire invloeden op de beschaving 1986 Utrecht Esoteric Dutch 6
Dorn, G. (McLean. Magnum Opus Series) 16th The Speculative Philosophy 2008 Dubai Alchemy English 9
Dubuis, J 21st The Experience of Eternity 2007 Toronto Esoteric English 9
Dubuis, J. 20th The Complete PoN Lessons 2000 Toronto Alchemy English 10
Duchesne, P. 21st Alchimie Ou Deux Grands Tr?sors de la Philosophie Herm?tique Sacr?e 2005 Utrecht Alchemy French 8
Duchesne, P. 21st Alchimie, Les Vraies Lumi?res de L'Euf de la Philosophie Herm?tique 2005 Utrecht Alchemy French 8
Duchesne, P. 21st Nouvelle Lumi?res Alchimiques sur le Siphra di Tzeniutha 2005 Utrecht Alchemy French 8
Duchesne, P. 20th Photographic Alchemical Panorama 2005 Dubai Alchemy English 9
Duchesne, P. 21st Photographic Alchemical Panorama of the Chronological Phases of the great Work 2005 Utrecht Alchemy English 9
Dupont, P. 20th The Endocrine Glands 2009 Dubai Esoterics English 7
Duval, M. 20th Lune Noire 1983 Utrecht Alchemy French 6
Eamon 21st The Professor of Secrets 2010 Toronto Alchemy English 6
Eason, A. 20th Secrets of Self Hypnosis 2005 Dubai Esoterics English 8
Eberly, J. 20th Al-Kimia, The Mystical Islamic Essence of the Sacred Art of Alchemy 2004 Utrecht Alchemy English 6
Eden, D. 20th Energy Medicine 1998 Utrecht Alchemy English 6
Eliade, M. 20th The Forge and the Crucible 1978 Toronto Alchemy English 7
Ellis, N. 20th Awakening Osiris 2009 Dubai Ancient Egypt English 9
Ellis, N. 20th Dreams of Isis 1995 Dubai Ancient Egypt English 8
Ellis, Normandy 20th Feasts of Light 1999 Dubai Ancient Egypt English 7
Emoto, G. 20th The hidden messages in water 2011 Dubai Esoterics English 5
Emsley, J. 20th Nature's Building Blocks 2001 Utrecht Alchemy English 4
Epstein, G. 20th Healing into immortality Utrecht Esoteric English 6
Erickson, M.M. 20th Hypnotic Realities 1976 Utrecht Trance English 8
Ervin Laszlo, C. 20th Science and the Akashic Field 2007 Dubai Science and Philosophy English 5
Evola, J. 20th The Hermetic Tradition 1995 Utrecht Alchemy English 8
Evola, J. 20th The Mystery of the Grail 1996 Utrecht Alchemy English 6
Fabre, P.J. 20th L'Abrege Des Secrets Chymiques, reprint 1636 Utrecht Alchemy French 6
Fabri, P.J. 20th Hercules Piochymicus n.d. Toronto Alchemy English n/a
Fancher, R.E. 20th Pioneers of Psychology 1979 Utrecht Psychology English 8
Feldman, D.H. 20th Gematria Handbook 1974 Utrecht Esoteric English 8
Feldman, D.H. 20th Qabalah, The Mystical Heritage of the Children of Abraham 2001 Utrecht Esoteric English 9
Ferguson, P. 20th The Speculative Philosophy of Gerhard Dorn 2008 Utrecht Alchemy English 10
Ferrini, P. 20th Love without Conditions 1994 Dubai Mysticism English 9
Fitter, R. 20th Elseviers Bloemengids 1967 Utrecht Alchemy Dutch 6
Fludd, R. (McLean. Magnum Opus Series) 16th Divine Numbers and Divine Harmony 1997 Dubai Alchemy English 7
Fludd, R. (McLean. Magnum Opus Series) 16th On the music of the spheres 2009 Dubai Alchemy English 7
Ford 21st The Quantum World 2004 Toronto Alchemy English 8
Fortune, D. 20th Psychic Self Defence 1930 Utrecht Esoteric English 5
Fortune, D. 20th The Mystical Kabbalah 2000 Dubai Esoterics English 8
Fortune, D. 20th The Mystical Qabalah 2000 Utrecht Esoteric English 7
Fortune, D. 20th The Training and work of an Initiate 2000 Dubai Esoterics English 6
Fortune, D. 20th Through the Gates of Death 1968 Utrecht Esoteric English 4
Franz, M. von 20th Alchemical Active Imagination 1979 Utrecht Trance English 9
Franz, M. von 20th Archetypal dimensions of the Psyche 1997 Utrecht Trance English 10
Frawley, D. 20th Ayurvedic Astrology 2007 Dubai Astrology English 6
Freemantle & Trungpa 20th The Tibetan Book of the Dead 1992 Toronto Esoteric English 7
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